What’s the Best Fit for Laboratory Benches and Furniture: Critical Considerations

May 22, 2023 3:00 PM ET

Clearly, there are many considerations when designing a lab, and choosing appropriate furnishings and fixtures to go with it. For instance, workplace aesthetics may come into play: You’d like the lab furniture to blend into the ambiance of the design and décor. This isn’t just for aesthetical reasons, but also to bring serenity and stress relief for employees.  However, here are three functional aspects, for lab furnishing, that every laboratory must take into account when upgrading, remodeling, or designing labs from scratch.

Workspace Sizing

There are no “typical” sizes for laboratory workspaces, which are relative to the work performed there. They may range from a few hundred square feet, to thousands of square feet of working area. As such, pegging a lab bench in terms of a “typical” workbench is a misnomer.  So, whether you are building a new laboratory, or renovating or remodeling an existing one, the size of your workspace is a critical component to keep in mind when choosing an appropriate workbench. OSHA standard 29 CFR 1910.22(b)(1), may also apply to the placement of lab furniture, or other fixtures that might obstruct aisles and passageways in the workplace, is yet another consideration to keep in mind.

Ergonomics and Staff Personalization

Another critical element to factor, when choosing the ideal workbench, is ergonomics. While this might not seem like something that factors high on a procurement checklist – it should! There’s ample research, and many credible studies, that prove that workplace ergonomics is instrumental in preventing musculoskeletal disorders among staff.  Given that there’s no height or weight profile for a “typical” lab worker, personalization is a key characteristic to look for when selecting a bench. Basic features, such as adjustable height, go a long way in making lab furniture comfortable and customizable for your staff.

Mobility, Movement and Motion

Occupational health and safety requirements also influence your choice of furniture for a laboratory. At times, it may be necessary to move locations where staff normally perform critical tests and procedures. This might happen, for instance, in a temporary upsurge of demand for those procedures; or it might occur as a result of temporary relocation of staff and workbenches to accommodate renovations.  

Occasionally, it might also be critical to move furniture (albeit for a brief period) to comply with the CDC’s Manual material handling (MMH) guidelines. These recommendations stipulate that staff must “Clear the aisles and doorways for safe passage and maneuvering of equipment”. In these circumstances, it’s important that your lab bench supports features such as mobility, movement and motion.

Choosing the Right Lab Tables and Furniture

At LEI Sales, we offer a wide range of laboratory equipment and furnishings to suit every requirement. Our catalog includes items from some of the most respected manufacturers in the industry. If you are looking for laboratory workbenches, and other critical lab furniture, you’re bound to find what you’re looking for. 

We also offer high-quality adjustable benches with heavy-duty casters and power strips.  From choice of colors (Ivory, black, grey, white, blue), to fire and chemical damage-resistant Phenolic resin countertops – check out our large selection online.

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